Tuesday, December 30, 2008
New Year resolutions
1. Loose weight
2. Read more
3. Take Dominick to the park and playground more often
4. Take advantage of the beach this summer
5. Try new cooking recipes, my cooking got too boring without the constant experiments
6. Get organized
7. Take the time to enjoy life
8. Be happy
I can't remember starting a new year with more optimistic outlook on things to come. It has a lot to do with coming close to finding a balance between work, without which I can not function at all, and my family. I love what I do and I am my own boss. I AM THE BOSS! and as long as the boss is happy everyone else will be happy also:O))))
Happy New Year's everyone!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
End of the year reflections...
My last show, the craft fair at the Brooklyn Lyceum, was a great success despite the snow on Saturday and pouring rain on Sunday. It was so nice to see my previous customers at my table and hear all the priceless feedback. Thank you everyone for all the wonderful words and suggestions, I'm ending this year with so many ideas and plans for the future. Your wonderful words made me believe that this crazy path of jewelry making was a right choice, and I'm ecstatic, that I have the opportunity to do what I love and am completely addicted to.
Thank you {NewNew}! I love you everyone:O)) Thank you for putting up with my constant chatting, thank you for steering my craftiness in whole different direction and your wonderful company. Joining the {NewNew} was a life saving experience for me and I can't wait for what the future will bring. It has been a wonderful ride and I'm not getting of this train anytime soon:O) Well, it seems more like this train is faster than the speed of light but I will catch-up soon;O)
I hope, everyone will have the best Holidays ever, and the New Year will bring all the happiness and joy you are wishing for.
Friday, December 19, 2008
{NewNew} at the Brooklyn Lyceum
So stop by, and check out my creations, and of my fellow {NewNew} members:
KnitKnit, Better Than Jam, Collective Elements, Glass is My Name, Journalistic Tendencies, Lingua Nigra, Nordea's Soperie, Blue Stitch Books, The Original Beadscarf, Kimm Chi, Red Bridge Studio, Adornments NYC, Vyphuis Designs, Allene La Spina, Metal Sugar, Dew on a Petal, Beacon Bookmarks, Yania Creations, Molly Shoelace, The Hand of Fatima, Jantar Handcrafted Jewelry and more
Monday, December 15, 2008
This is my Flickr find of the day! Isn't she/he cute? The bushy tail, big ears and the wonderful orange color makes you want to go nuts for the European squirrels. They are also very shy and stay away in the woods and parks, unlike their gray cousins who rummage through our backyards:O)
Friday, December 12, 2008
The {NewNew} York Etsy Street Team weekend sale!
For more info visit the {NewNew} blog: http://thenewnew.blogspot.com/2008/12/weekend-sales-10-off-these-shops.html
I will have a sale also, 10% off regular price in addition to free US shipping.
Intense Search for a hiding spot:O)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
The Lyceum Holiday Craft Fair
Handmade Cavalcade
It was insane! What a wonderful event!
I wanted to visit everyone and take lots of photos and ...there was no time. My camera did not even make it out of the bag. I run out of jewelry boxes, change and my big stack of business cards disappeared also.
I'm really proud to be a part of such wonderful and motivated group of crafters and artists. We all put so much work into this event, and proved that with determination and under great leadership, we can accomplish a great success even on limited budget.
Big thanks to Kimm for being our fearless leader, and to Kristen for coordinating this event. Thank you "Knitting Factory" for letting us use your venue. Big, big thank you to everyone who stopped by and supported our very first holiday event.
To see more photos of the Holiday Handmade Cavalcade visit out Flickr pool: http://www.flickr.com/groups/newnewny/pool/
Friday, December 5, 2008
The Cavalcade is tomorrow!!!
Go {NewNew}!!!