Monday, December 22, 2008

End of the year reflections...

Yesterday, craft show season officially ended for me and I'm left with catching up to do on all my household chores:O) The pile of laundry is more than scary and toys are stuffed in every corner of every boys made sure I will be busy the last few days before Christmas. My studio, strangely enough, seems to be the only organized room, and it is usually the other way around.

My last show, the craft fair at the Brooklyn Lyceum, was a great success despite the snow on Saturday and pouring rain on Sunday. It was so nice to see my previous customers at my table and hear all the priceless feedback. Thank you everyone for all the wonderful words and suggestions, I'm ending this year with so many ideas and plans for the future. Your wonderful words made me believe that this crazy path of jewelry making was a right choice, and I'm ecstatic, that I have the opportunity to do what I love and am completely addicted to.

Thank you {NewNew}! I love you everyone:O)) Thank you for putting up with my constant chatting, thank you for steering my craftiness in whole different direction and your wonderful company. Joining the {NewNew} was a life saving experience for me and I can't wait for what the future will bring. It has been a wonderful ride and I'm not getting of this train anytime soon:O) Well, it seems more like this train is faster than the speed of light but I will catch-up soon;O)

I hope, everyone will have the best Holidays ever, and the New Year will bring all the happiness and joy you are wishing for.


Marilyn P. Sushi said...

Aw you're sweet! I wish I was there with you guys selling and hanging. Sounds like it was a good time. Glad you had a ton of fun! :)

Jess // CLineCreations said...

Hi Mirela! I'm so glad that the {NewNew} has been so great for you... I just joined recently, and I'm really excited to be a part of the team! Hoping to do my first fair sometime in the next few months.

KimmChi said...

That so sweet Mirela! I know what you mean - the sheer drive of the group keeps me constantly looking forward, it's an inspiring feeling :)